Monday, July 28, 2008

Thank You Lady Ari!

She colored it for me! I didnt want to wait until I had a story to match it so it gets it's own post. Thank you Ari. <3 I love it. I'll update the photo and link to the right when I get another little window of time.


Anonymous said...

Is it possible to see bigger versions of the ones to the right too?

Alison the Amazing Thief said...
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Alison the Amazing Thief said...

Yes! :D Scroll down till you see "art links" on the right. Each artist has their own page where you can see the art full size along with all of their other pieces. Please check them out and leave them some love comments. They'll be thrilled. Thank you. ^^

Also, I just added direct links on the photos for the ones that I could. That should make it easier to find them. ^^

Anonymous said...

:O I gots my own post!? *swoon* I'm just glad you like it XD <33